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Wild Green Eye Groupers / 野生青眼斑

Regular price $20.90 SGD
Regular price Sale price $20.90 SGD
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Wild Green Eye Grouper

Grouper has a unique sweet taste that cannot be found elsewhere. It has a mild flavour and a medium texture. It is suitable for many cooking methods such as braising, half fry, hot pot and steaming. Thanks to its texture, Grouper can absorb seasoning easily and it is an excellent dish to be served.


野生的石斑鱼有别于来自其他海域的石斑鱼,它的口味更加清甜。它味道清淡和肉质中等。由于它的肉质容易入味, 所以它也适用于炖、半煎、火锅、蒸等多种烹饪方式,成为一道道美味的菜肴。


Fish Category/鱼类分类

Origin: Malaysia / 产地:马来西亚

Wild Caught / 野生捕捞

100% Preservative Free / 绝无防腐

 With scaled & Gut / 鳞 & 內臟未清除。

All prices are based by season / calculated by market price*/ 所有价格都是按季节计算/ 按市价计算*

For best quality, consume within 3 months from purchase / 购买后3个月内食用,品质最佳

Wild Caught Seafood

Wild-caught Seafood have fewer calories and none of the pesticides or antibiotics found in farmed-fish because their natural habitats have not been exposed to them. They are also richer in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, which supports a healthy immune system and your body’s inflammatory response. In addition, wild-caught fish are also higher in essential minerals such as potassium, zinc, and iron.