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Live Tiger Prawn/活老虎虾

Regular price $20.00 SGD
Regular price Sale price $20.00 SGD
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Live Tiger Prawn 活老虎虾 

Live Tiger Prawn is one of Singaporean’s favourite seafood! Live tiger prawn has a sweet flavour and firm flesh with a crunchy bite.

Our live tiger prawns are stored in our uniquely engineered tanks, ensuring their superior freshness.

Live tiger prawns can be cooked in a myriad of ways, most notably drunken prawns which calls for quality, fresh prawns.


活虎虾是新加坡人最爱的海鲜之一!活虎虾味道香甜,肉质紧实,咬口松脆。 我们的活虎虾储存在我们设计独特的水箱中,确保它们的新鲜度。 活虎虾的烹制方法有很多种,最值得注意的是醉虾,它需要优质、新鲜的虾

Live Seafood*

Price/Pack Size: Based on KG
Size: 16-25pc/Kg ~ 16-25只/1公斤

*We advise all customers to clean and rinse the Tiger Prawn before cooking. 


Wild Caught Seafood

Wild-caught Seafood have fewer calories and none of the pesticides or antibiotics found in farmed-fish because their natural habitats have not been exposed to them. They are also richer in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, which supports a healthy immune system and your body’s inflammatory response. In addition, wild-caught fish are also higher in essential minerals such as potassium, zinc, and iron.